The cross mobility programme was initiated by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs following a suggestion by Professor Achille Mbembé to the French President during the Africa France Summit which took place in Montpellier in October 2021, in order to enhance the mobility and the exchanges between the African continent and France. The experiment conducted in 2022 includes exchange of students between France and South Africa. This exchange is currently between Stellenbosch University and the Universiy of Bordeaux.
Principles of the programme
The programme will support reciprocal exchange visits of cohorts of
postgraduate students that will take place between selected higher education institutions that have
an existing strong partnership. The visits will be considered as part of the study programme in the
original institution.
Exchange visits are to be for a period of at least 3 months up to 6 months.
The programme will only cover the costs related to the international mobility. The exchanges
are to be managed to fit within the original study programme and will not result in extending the
duration of the study programme in the original institution.
Selection of the laureates of the programme
- Selection of the South-African laureates:
the South-African laureates of the programme will be proposed by the partner institutions. The French
embassy will confirm the final list of selected students.
- Selection of French laureates:
the international mobility grant (AMI) is awarded to students who receive a higher education grant
based on social criteria. The student must also be preparing a national degree, as defined by the French
Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
Only institutions with an international mobility grant are likely to be able to support this mobility,
subject to the availability of funds for the institutions.
For South-African students: The agency Campus France will manage the scholarships which will provide
the following services for the mobility:
- direct payment of the round trip economy class airfare or reimbursement of the receipt
- payment of a monthly grant (bachelor’s/master’s/doctorate rate)
- payment of accommodation ;
- Social security coverage for the duration of their stay, either through the existing Campus France system or through the existing social security system at the time of the stay.
For French students: (paid by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research)
- The amount of the monthly payment is set by ministerial decree. The aid is paid by the
- For the academic year 2021-2022, the amount is 400 € per month. Within the framework of
this programme, the student cannot benefit from a cumulative mobility grant of more than
one semester.
- This aid will be supplemented, if necessary, by the schemes offered by the regional councils
under their programme of aid for student mobility abroad.
If you are an MSc or PhD student who would like to participate in this programme, please email both of the contacts below.
The 2022 South African Cohort
Emma Theart
Pure mathematics
MSc (Supervisor Dr. Hoefnagel)
Categorical Algebra, Extensive Categories
Roy Ferguson
Pure mathematics
MSc (Supervisor Prof. Janelidze)
Category Theory, Monoidal Categories.
Daniella Moore
Pure mathematics
MSc (Supervisor Prof. Howell, Prof. Janelidze, Dr. Marques)
Near-rings, Near-vectorspaces Category theory.
Paul Hugo
Pure mathematics
MSc(Prof. Janelidze)
Mathematical foundations, mathematical structures.
David Smith
Pure mathematics
MSc (Supervisors Prof. Boxall, Dr. Marques)
Model theory, Algebraic Geometry.