Current PhD students

  • Nelson Kyakutwika, started 2023. Thesis project: Consistent Joint Modelling of SPX and VIX Financial Derivatives. Co-supervised by Dr Mesias Alfeus at the Department of Financial Risk Management at Stellenbosch. Nelson hails from Uganda.


  • Dario Trinchero, started 2023. Thesis project: A new isomorphism between the skein space and the space of holomorphic sections in Chern-Simons theory.



Graduated PhD students

  • Nzaganya Nzaganya (2021–2023). PhD thesis : Coherent Loop States and their Applications in Geometric Quantization.




Graduated Stellenbosch MSc students

  • Brian Muciri, graduated March 2024 (cum laude). Thesis: Canonical Connections in Riemannian and Hermitian Geometry.


Previous Honours students at Stellenbosch

Affiliate member of TQFT research group

  • Shimal Harichurn. Shimal did his undergraduate at UKZN, and then started a MSc with me. Then he got a scholarship to go to Bonn in 2021 to do an MSc in Mathematics where he was jointly supervised by Sergei Gukov. Thesis: On Z-hat invariants and non-perturbative SL(2, C) Chern-Simons theory.


AIMS Structured Masters Essay students

Undergraduate student projects