Want to apply mathematical skills and physical laws into solving puzzles in biology and ecology? Earmarked postgraduate bursaries and postdoctoral fellowships are now available by the NRF SARChI grant:
- For postgraduate bursaries (Honours/MSc/PhD), prospective students are encouraged to contact us to finetune your project within the SU internal deadline. Note, due to the NRF policy change, students are required to apply directly through the calls at the National Research Foundation with the SARChI UID 89967. There is an ad-hoc offline application made available by the NRF for SARChI Chairs to nominate students before mid January; contact us if you missed the deadline.
- For postdoctoral fellowships, contact us with documents required in this open call.
- Prospective students and postdocs are also encouraged to secure their own scholarhsips and fellowships from a number of research funding agencies and partners, such as NRF, AIMS Next Einstein Inititiave, CIB, CoE MASS. Find out more at Stellenbosch University Postdoctoral Office and Postgraduate Office.
Contact us: Mrs JE (Hanlie) Swart, Tel: +27-21-808-4907, E-mail: jer@sun.ac.za
Physical address: Office 1018/1021/1009B, Math/Industry Psychology Building, Merriman Street, Stellenbosch
Other roles of the Chair:
- Resident Researcher, African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, AIMS
- Core-team member, DST-NRF Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology, CIB
- Trustee, International Initiative for Theoretical Ecology, IITE London
- Reviewer Editor, Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, IPBES
- Associate Editor, Global Ecology and Biogeography
- Associate Editor, Biological Invasions
- Associate Editor, Ecological Complexity
- Associate Editor, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
- Section Editor, Mathematics in Medical and Life Sciences
- Editorial Board, BMC Ecology and Evolution
- Editorial Board, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
- Editorial Board, Journal of Dynamics and Games
- Research Team, GLobal Insect Threat-Response Synthesis, GLiTRS
Our research has been/is supported by the following funding bodies as research and travel grants, scholarships & fellowships: